Recipe of cream soup and tacos

Recipe of cream soup and tacos** **Ingredients:

** – 1 lb (450 g) of bread or cereal – 1 small oignon in the oven – 2 mouthfuls of meat – 1 sachet of bread for tacos  (or half a meal for tacos) – 1 bottle (425 g) of fresh potatoes, eggs and rincés – 1 bottle (425 g) of potatoes, eggs – 1 bottle (283 g) of tomatoes in a few minutes (  (like rotel) – 1 bottle (425 g) of haricots  Rouges, bouillons and rinses – 1 bottle (300 g) of cream cream – 240 ml (1 tasse) of bouillon or mouth – 240 ml (1 tasse) of cream base or moisturised cream – 1 tasse  (120 g) of cheddar rabe – French fries, cooked (facultatif, for the garden)


* 1. *Faites during the day**: – In a large casserole or in a frying pan, eat the bread in the oven.  (or the dinner) What happened next to him that did it.  Égouttez l’excès de gras.

2. **Cuire the legumes:** – Add the oignon coupé in the dés and the right place in the casserole with the viand dorée.  When the ointment is tender, take 3 to 5 minutes.

3. **Ajoutez the assets and ingredients:** – Incorporate the assets for fresh tacos that the bread and eggs are so easy to eat.  Ajoutez ensuite the new haricots, the mains, the friends in the days with the verts and rouge haricots.  Melangez.

4. **Receive the soup cream:** – Add the soup cream to the soup and the bowl of the soup in the casserole.  Remember that everything that is mixed with water and bring the soup to ébullition.

5. **Ajoutez the cream**: – One of the fois that the soup is mixed, reduise the feu and include the cream épaisse or the cream-moitié-moitié.  Laissez la soupe cuire à feuux pendant 5 à 10 minutes supplémentaires, remuant de temps en temps.

6. **Ajoutez the take:** – Incorporate the cheddar râpé that is so it is fondu and the soup is so it is lisse and crémeuse.

7. **Server:** – Use the soup in the bowls and garnish the fried chicken if you want to eat it.  Serve with tortilla chips, cream cheese, avocado wraps or a garniture for your favorite tacos.

8 .Savor your creamy taco soup, a delicious and satisfying meal, please save it

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